Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Rainy Afternoon

Hey yall. I haven't posted for awhile now--it's because I'm busy with a lot of things today. :(
Anyway...I'm totally hating this day. Aside from my totally flirty friends on Facebook, som-
eone just called me a bad word. :| But the most hilarious part of it is he's really scared. Not
just because he told me through Facebook comment, he didn't put his admin name there.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Good Morning!

I always loved looking at random photos in the morning. Here are some I heart. ;)

1.) ICE CREAM is love!~
I admit--I go gaga for ice cream. I totally love strawberry & coffee almond cookies. Pistachio? Nah, just put it on display. (;

2.) DEMI LOVATO rocks!
This lady is ♥! She's one of my favorite singers EVER. I love her old hair. When she was still recording for her "Don't Forget" album, but I still adore her newest hairstyle. <3

3.) CUPCAKES are so adorable!
Okay, so maybe I'm not a huge fan of the taste of cupcakes. But hey, staring at it makes my mouth water. :P

4.) ARIANA GRANDE is the cutest!

She's so cute in Victorious! I set my eyes on her when the first show aired! She's one of my favorite celebrities, so yeah, you better DEAL WITH IT!

5.) TAYLOR SWIFT is just so awesome.

Don't even think twice--she's one of the best singers of today. I love her so much. I can relate to some of her songs(I'm 10.) and she's just plain awesome. Need I say more? 

Random things

I'm pretty bored right now. So, here, a little more about me, the things I'm loving(and doing) right now.

I'm tweeting right now. If you're wondering what I tweet, you better follow me then. ;)

1 thing you MUST know about me...I'm a Selena Marie Gomez fan. I love her. End of story.
P.S she looks puurty here. I love this little lady. 

I listen to music EVERYDAY. I mean, who doesn't? I'm pretty addicted to Taylor Swift & Michael Jackson songs. I listen to iTunes. Nothing more. MP3 player.

Friday, October 22, 2010


I just got home from school(on a SATURDAY. The problem with my school is that they don't CARE if you only get 1 day of rest.) because it's *drumroll* Foundation Day. Okay, so maybe I'm not all excited about it (no fun. Seriously. The only fun I got was smiling for the camera. :| ), it turned out pretty well for me. Although I was kinda jealous of the gadgets (turns out I was like almost the only one who didn't bring one. Darn.),but watching my teachers sing (off-note. Yes.) made me laugh all throughout the day(Okay, so maybe I'm not laughing right now but, you know what I mean.) 

And one of the reasons why the HECK am I happy is that...SEMBREAK is here! Although it's only till November 3, those 2 weeks of sleeping the whole day and online 24/7 is enough. Christmas vacation is around the corner, anyway, ayyt? To be honest, I won't miss anyone. Facebook && Twitter is here, so why should I? And I want 2 weeks of no teasing from my very own best friends. So yeah, it's a pretty great deal. But...

                                              I'll surely miss the bonding times. Xxxxxo.

Fell down the blogging hole...once again.

Hey yall! :) Let me introduce myself. I'm Andrea. I'm 10 years old(yes, you read that right.). And...I'm a girl(duh). I'm in 5th grade right now, but it's not really obvious, I'm kinda small (no, I didn't say that.), I'll grow...very soon.

I started blogging when I was 8. Buuttt, I wasn't interested then on writing 'bout my life on the internet. Yes, I have a diary, but I RARELY write there. No, correction, I DON'T WRITE THERE. Anyway, so yeah, this is a blog, and you know what that means, a new diary, a public one. :|

I hope yall enjoy this [not-so-interesting] blog. Because if you don't, YOUR LOSS. 

P.S Heyyah!! :-h